Resultaten voor the living daylights

De keuken van Johanna: Oud-Hollandse Bruine bonensoep

... Oud-Hollandse Bruine bonensoep Na een weekend vol met klussen heb ik vanavond een heerlijke stevige bruine bonensoep op tafel gezet. Een lekkere stevige soep vol met ballen. Nadat het plafond gewit is, de ramen gelapt en de woonkamer weer voor een gedeelte opnieuw ...

Salade met peer, amandelen en gojibessen - My Food Blog

... Salade met peer, amandelen en gojibessen Een paar weken terug waren we op het living Lettuce event van Love My Salad waarop we niet alleen zagen hoe sla wordt verbouwd en geteeld, maar we gingen uiteraard ook aan de slag met het eindproduct. We werden opgewacht in ...

Aan tafel met Tanja: Verticaal tuinieren

... deze manier van balkontuinieren plenty of space en mogelijkheden.De tweede fase in het verticaal tuinieren is het 'Wallyproject', the modular living wall system. Deze krijgt plek op een van de buitenmuren. Word uiteraard vervolgd. op 26.2.11 Geplaatst door Aan tafel met Tanja Dit e-mailen Dit bloggen!Delen op Twitter Delen op Facebook Labels: Experiment, Vers van het land ...

Uit de keuken van Levine: Workshops Breads of Sinclair

... aught some workshops here with me at my place in Rijswijk. They were a great success and I'm very glad he is coming back to the Netherlands. Meanwhile, Mark is no longer living in the United States but has instead moved to Spain. During his first European Baking tour he found his great love there and decided to make the move. How beautiful is that! the trailer in which he baked all of his loaves and from which he sold his breads at markets has been shipped and has arrived. Now we are waiting for Mark to conquer Spain with his great baking skills! Mark's workshops are scheduled for the third week of January 2018. There are two different workshops. Sign up soon because full is full. Please note: these workshops are given in English, but I will be present for Dutch translation. Curious about Mark? Watch this video that was taken at one of his workshops at my place and watch this video of a baking and market day from his trailer. You can read an in depth interview with Mark here. More information is available on my website Brood bakken met Levine, including a registration form. ...

Uit de keuken van Levine: Workshops Breads of Sinclair

... aught some workshops here with me at my place in Rijswijk. They were a great success and I'm very glad he is coming back to the Netherlands. Meanwhile, Mark is no longer living in the United States but has instead moved to Spain. During his first European Baking tour he found his great love there and decided to make the move. How beautiful is that! the trailer in which he baked all of his loaves and from which he sold his breads at markets has been shipped and has arrived. Now we are waiting for Mark to conquer Spain with his great baking skills! Mark's workshops are scheduled for the third week of January 2018. There are two different workshops. Sign up soon because full is full. Please note: these workshops are given in English, but I will be present for Dutch translation. Curious about Mark? Watch this video that was taken at one of his workshops at my place and watch this video of a baking and market day from his trailer. You can read an in depth interview with Mark here. More information is available on my website Brood bakken met Levine, including a registration form. ...

Risalamande (Deens kerst rijsdessert) - My Food Blog

... Risalamande (Deens kerst rijsdessert) Gisteren gaf ik je al megaveel kerst dessert inspiratie, maar weet je het nog zo net niet? Dan is hier weer een heerlijk, makkelijk te maken kerst dessert wat je heel goed kunt voorbereiden. Het is ook nog eens een kerstdessert ...